Levi 20.3.2025

About cookies

Our website uses cookies to improve user experience (tracking cookies), as well to enable certain features of the website (functional cookies). A cookie is a text file, which is temporarily stored on the user’s device. Cookies can be disabled from browser settings. However, this may have a negative effect on the functionality and user experience of the website, and at times may even prevent website use altogether. Advertising cookies help Roister deliver our website visitors content that we consider to be the most relevant. 

Tracking cookies 

Browsing statistics are collected in order to enable more effective website monitoring, developing, and marketing. Google Analytics Demographics is used to collect data regarding target groups and topics, which can be connected to user tracking data, such as age, gender, and interests. You can change your data sharing settings on your own Google account. You can disable Google Analytics tracking with a browser add-on (https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout/). 

Third parties, such as Google, HubSpot, and Facebook, may also use cookies or web beacons (tracking pixels) to deliver specific ads to users who have visited different websites. Third-party technology is used to measure the effectiveness of marketing communications and ads (HubSpot, Google, and Facebook). Cookies and web beacons do not share the user’s personal information with Roister Marketing. Third-party tracking pixels collect and pass anonymous information which is used to design personalised content for marketing purposes. 

Functional cookies

Functional cookies facilitate the operation and functionality of certain features of our website. The cookie stores necessary information about the user, and the cookie is deleted after a certain period of time has passed, or after the user logs out. 

Other identifiers

The website also stores other identifying information (such as IP address, browsing activities, search queries, and error logs) in the log files of the server and the website. Information is also collected regarding the website’s user interface (saves, heat maps, forms). The purpose for collecting this information is to enable targeted marketing, website monitoring and development, as well as the continuous development of fault tolerance and information security. 

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